A Clean PC is a Happy PC

clean PC

Or at the very least, one with a longer lifespan. To clean your PC may sound like something everyone knows needs to be done. Trust me, it’s often overlooked…

Keeping your computer squeaky clean offers plenty of benefits, both for your tower and your peripherals (for non-techies, that’s the stuff you plug into your tower, like the mouse, keyboard, and screens). However, the most significant advantages come from keeping the inside of your tower spotless. Dust collected on fans and air vents over time can see your entire airflow becoming virtually non-existent. And to put it simply, that is a death sentence for your computer.

What happens if I don’t clean my PC?

Now I’m not saying that getting a hair in your Tower is going to have it catching fire instantly. It’s designed to constantly pull cool air in from the outside, which can lead to a significant build-up of dust, pet hair, and anything else floating around. This starts to clog up the fans and air vents that your Computer uses to maintain a healthy working temperature and run smoothly and it can drastically affect your components’ lifetime. High temperatures can see your entire PC shutting itself down from overheating. Graphics cards can burn out well before their expected lifespan and neglecting the maintenance of your trusty number cruncher can lead to costly mistakes.

How often should I clean my PC?

To avoid this it is usually a good idea to give your Desktop a clean roughly every 6 months. If it’s a gaming machine or around the 1 year mark for your average home or office computer. This is different case by case of course as it all depends. On the tower, vents, whether or not there are dust covers and the area in which your PC is located. But a frequent cleansing of the dust and grime build up on your fans and vents will help to prolong your computers lifetime by literal years. Not to mention it will help avoid having to pull all the components out and giving your computer a deep clean. Which can be nerve-wracking and a lot more complicated than standard maintenance. But more on that later.

In short, it is always a good idea to keep your computer and its components clean and fresh. As with anything else. If you treat your Computer right, regardless of use, it will serve you far longer and more dependably than running it to death. They’re loyal little machines, they deserver your care.

Should you require any assistance with cleaning your PC please don’t hesitate to contact us for a free quote here.

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